Grace Darling

It is difficult to visit our village without coming across Grace Darling - and this is also true within our church and churchyard.  

Grace Darling was a young Victorian heroine who risked her life (along with her father who was the lighthouse keeper at Brownsman Farne Island) to rescue survivors from the shipwrecked Forfarshire in 1838.

In addition to the monument and stained glass window dedicated to Grace Darling in the church, there is a distinctive monument in the graveyard.  The original (which was unfortunately badly damaged by the weather and had to be replaced) was built near Grace's grave in 1842, so it could be easily seen by passing sailors.  

Find out more about Grace at the RNLI museum over across the road and clicking on this link.

RNLI Roses

Despite the weather trying to disrupt us, there was a break in the rain (but not the wind) to enable us to proceed with the planting of two new "RNLI 200" roses on the anniversary of Grace Darling's death in our graveyard in 2024.